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Steps of making cattle and sheep feed pellets

Source:未知Author:admin Addtime:2020-03-13 16:34 Click:
The first process is drying: corn, sorghum and other crops straw contain a lot of moisture. If they are not dried, the fiber in straw will have great toughness because of moisture moisture moisture, and it will be very hard to crush. At the same time, if the moisture is large, the crushed powder will stick to the inside of the equipment and affect the operation of the equipment.
The second process is crushing: the most commonly used crushing equipment in the feed industry is the multi-functional straw feed crusher, but this kind of crushing equipment is not suitable for crushing straw, because its main crushing parts are hammer pieces, and the fiber components in straw are easily twisted on the hammer pieces, causing damage to the equipment, so it is recommended that you use a professional water drop crusher or hay cutter.
The third process is mixing: the production process of feed particles is relatively complex, and the feeding effect is good, so the general feed particles will be made into full price compound feed. Since it is full price compound feed, it is necessary to add some other nutrients to the original straw powder, mix them evenly, and then pelletize, so as to provide comprehensive nutrition for poultry and livestock. When it comes to mixing equipment, family farms are suitable for selecting economical vertical feed mixers. Feed factories generally use large-scale horizontal feed mixers with two shafts. The small horizontal feed mixers with one shaft and two spirals can be selected between the two.
The last process is granulation: feed granulator machine, which can heat materials, make the pellet feed have strong paste flavor, and also make the nutrients in the feed more easily absorbed. Of course, small farms can also choose this granulator, because this series of small and medium-sized models are also suitable for domestic straw feed granulator. Straw is also rich in nutrients for many animals, as long as it is used reasonably, it will bring considerable economic benefits.