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How to select raw materials for pellet machine

Source:未知Author:admin Addtime:2020-03-13 09:43 Click:
(1) pay attention to the type and quantity of raw materials. The variety of raw materials should be diversified so as to realize the nutritional complementarity among various raw materials. The proportion of commonly used raw materials for processing granular feed: grains such as paddy, barley, wheat, corn and sorghum account for 50% - 70%; bran such as wheat bran and rice bran account for 10% - 20%; soybean meal and soybean cake account for 15% - 20% of the best; toxic cake, meal such as cottonseed cake, meal and rapeseed cake should be less than 10%.
(2) pay attention to the quality of feed materials. To grasp the quality of raw materials, such as the content of toxic and harmful ingredients in feed, the pollution of feed, whether there is mildew and other conditions, the amount of these processing raw materials should be limited, and the seriously polluted and moldy raw materials should not be selected.
(3) pay attention to the principle of economy, take local materials according to local conditions, and make full use of local raw materials.
(4) pay attention to the volume of raw materials.